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How To Make Money From Blogging?

Blogging has become a popular way to share thoughts, opinions, and knowledge with a large audience. In this blog post, we will explore the different ways of how to make money from blogging and turn it into a profitable venture.

With the rise of the internet and social media, blogs have become an important tool for businesses and individuals to reach out to their customers, clients, and followers.

However, blogging can also be a great way to earn money. In fact, many bloggers have turned their passion into a full-time career, earning a steady income through their blog.

The first step is tostart a blog that is focused on a specific niche, such as fashion, food, travel, or technology. This will help you to build a strong audience and establish yourself as an expert in your field.

In this blog post, we will be exploring the various ways bloggers can make money from blogging. From advertising and affiliate marketing to sponsored content and e-commerce, we will be discussing the different income streams available to bloggers and how they can be utilized to turn a hobby into a profitable business.

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced blogger, this post will provide you with valuable insights and tips on how to monetize your blog and start earning money from your passion. So, let’s dive in and explore the various ways of how to make money from blogging.

Before we start, you have to know What is A Blog? and How To Start A Blog?

Video Guide on How To Make Money From Blogging?

What is A Blog?

A blog is a type of website that features regularly updated, personal or professional written content, usually shown in reverse chronological order (the most recent post appearing first).

Blogs typically cover a wide range of topics, ranging from personal experiences and thoughts, to news and current events, to niche topics such as technology, food, or fashion.

Blogs often have interactive features, such as comments and social media sharing, and can be a platform for individuals and businesses to build an online presence and connect with a target audience. They can be hosted on a blogging platform or self-hosted on a server.

To Know More Read: What is Blogging?

How Much You Can Earn from Blogging

Blogging is an excellent platform for those who want to make a difference in the world, share their thoughts and ideas, and earn some extra cash at the same time. For many people, blogging is not just a hobby but a full-time career, as it has the potential to generate a significant income if done correctly.

In this section, we will discuss the potential earnings you can achieve from blogging, and the different monetization strategies that you can use to make money from your blog.

Keep in mind that the amount of money you can earn from blogging will depend on several factors, including the niche of your blog, the quality of your content, the size of your audience, and the monetization strategies you use.

Factors That Affect Your Earning Potential

Niche: The niche of your blog is one of the most critical factors that determine your earning potential. Niches such as finance, health, and technology tend to generate more revenue compared to other niches, as there is a higher demand for high-quality content in these areas.

Content Quality: The quality of your content is also an essential factor that affects your earning potential. Your content must be well-written, informative, and engaging to attract and retain visitors to your blog. The more visitors you have, the more opportunities you have to monetize your blog and generate income.

Audience Size: The size of your audience is another critical factor that affects your earning potential. The more visitors you have, the more opportunities you have to monetize your blog and generate income. Therefore, it is crucial to focus on growing your audience and building a loyal following.

Monetization Strategies: The monetization strategies you use will also affect your earning potential. Different strategies have different earning potentials, and you will need to experiment and find the strategies that work best for your blog.

The Potential Earnings from Blogging

The potential earnings from blogging are substantial, and the amount you can earn will depend on several factors, such as your niche, content quality, audience size, and monetization strategies.

For example, a beginner blogger can expect to earn anywhere from $500 to $1000 per month, while an established blogger with a large audience and multiple monetization strategies can earn upwards of $100,000 per year.

Ways to Earn Money From Blogging

There are numerous ways of make money from blogging, and these methods can vary depending on the niche, the size of the audience, and the type of content being produced.

While some bloggers might earn a small amount of passive income through advertising, others might generate a full-time income through a variety of income streams.

  1. Ad Networks
  2. Affiliate Marketing
  3. Sponsored Posts
  4. E-commerce
  5. Selling Online Courses
  6. Selling Services

It’s important to note that earning money from blogging requires hard work, dedication, and patience. Bloggers need to consistently create quality content, build a loyal audience, and monetize their blog effectively.

Ad Networks

Ad networks are middlemen that connect advertisers with publishers to help match ads with the right audience.

They provide a platform for bloggers to host advertisements on their blog, and in return, they receive a share of the revenue generated from those advertisements.

Ad networks simplify the process of monetizing a blog by providing a single point of contact for both advertisers and publishers.

How do Ad Networks Work?

Ad networks work by aggregating advertising inventory from multiple publishers and selling it to advertisers in bulk. They handle all aspects of the advertising process, including ad placement, tracking, and payment. Bloggers simply place ad units provided by the ad network on their blog, and the ad network takes care of the rest.

Types of Ad Networks

There are several types of ad networks available for bloggers, each offering different benefits and features. Some of the most common types include:

Display Ad Networks: Display ad networks provide advertisements in the form of banners or display ads that appear on the blog. These ads can be either text-based or image-based, and they typically appear in the header, footer, or sidebar of a blog.

CPM Ad Networks: CPM (cost per thousand impressions) ad networks pay bloggers for each 1,000 impressions their ads generate. This type of ad network is ideal for blogs with high traffic, as it offers the potential for high earnings.

CPC Ad Networks: CPC (cost per click) ad networks pay bloggers each time a visitor clicks on one of their ads. This type of ad network is ideal for blogs with a large number of highly engaged visitors who are likely to click on advertisements.

CPA Ad Networks: CPA (cost per action) ad networks pay bloggers each time a visitor takes a specific action, such as signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase. This type of ad network is ideal for blogs that promote products or services, as it offers the potential for high earnings.

Ad Network Requirements

Before you can start using an ad network, you must meet certain requirements. These requirements vary from network to network, but they typically include:

A blog with a significant amount of traffic: Ad networks typically require a minimum number of daily visitors to participate.

High-quality content: Ad networks want to ensure that their ads are appearing on high-quality, trustworthy blogs. They will often reject blogs with low-quality content or inappropriate subject matter.

Approval process: Ad networks typically have an approval process that you must go through before you can start earning money. This process usually involves reviewing your blog to ensure it meets their standards.

Best Ad Networks For Bloggers

Google AdSense

Google AdSense is one of the most popular ad networks for bloggers and is used by millions of bloggers worldwide. AdSense offers an easy to use platform and provides various ad formats such as display ads, text ads, and link units.

The ads are contextual and related to the content on your blog, and you earn money when your visitors click on the ads.

Google AdSense pays you based on the cost-per-click (CPC) of the ads, and the earnings depend on the number of clicks and the niche of your blog. is another popular ad network for bloggers that provides high-quality ads and pays you based on the cost-per-impression (CPM) of the ads.

It offers a wide range of ad formats, including display ads, native ads, and link units, and provides an easy to use platform for bloggers to manage their ads. is a great alternative to Google AdSense and is ideal for bloggers who want to monetize their blog traffic through advertising.


BuySellAds is a marketplace for bloggers to sell their advertising space to businesses and earn money through advertisements. This ad network provides various ad formats, including display ads, sponsored content, and sponsored posts.

The platform is easy to use, and bloggers can set the prices for their advertising space and decide which advertisers to accept.

It is an ideal ad network for bloggers who want to monetize their blog traffic through advertising and have a high volume of traffic.

Propeller Ads

Propeller Ads is a performance-based ad network for bloggers that offers various ad formats, including display ads, pop-under ads, and mobile ads.

It pays you based on the cost-per-click (CPC) of the ads, and the earnings depend on the number of clicks and the niche of your blog.

The platform is easy to use and provides detailed analytics and reporting, making it a great option for bloggers who want to monetize their blog traffic through advertising.


Monumetric is a performance-based ad network for bloggers that pays you based on the cost-per-impression (CPM) of the ads.

This ad network provides various ad formats, including display ads, native ads, and sponsored content, and provides an easy to use platform for bloggers to manage their ads.

Monumetric is ideal for bloggers who want to monetize their blog traffic through advertising and want to work with a network that provides high-quality ads and pays well.


AdThrive is a premium ad network for bloggers that provides high-quality ads and pays you based on the cost-per-impression (CPM) of the ads.

This ad network offers various ad formats, including display ads, native ads, and sponsored content, and provides an easy to use platform for bloggers to manage their ads.

AdThrive is ideal for bloggers who have a high volume of traffic and want to monetize their blog traffic through advertising.


Chitika is a performance-based ad network for bloggers. This ad network specializes in providing targeted and relevant ads to online consumers.

The network operates on a cost-per-click (CPC) and cost-per-impression (CPM) model, which means that bloggers and website owners earn money based on the number of clicks or impressions generated by the ads on their site.

Chitika offers a range of ad formats, including display ads, mobile ads, and in-text ads, which are designed to fit seamlessly into the look and feel of a website or blog.

Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is a performance-based marketing strategy in which a business rewards affiliates for each customer brought about by the affiliate’s own marketing efforts.

It is a popular choice for bloggers because it offers the opportunity to earn a commission on products or services that they recommend to their audience.

There are many affiliate marketing marketplaces available, which connect bloggers and other affiliates with businesses offering affiliate programs.

Some of the most popular affiliate marketing marketplaces include:

Amazon Associates

Amazon Associates is the largest affiliate marketing network, and one of the easiest to use. Bloggers can sign up to the program and start promoting Amazon products. You can earn a commission on any sales made through their unique referral links.

Commission Junction

Commission Junction is a well-established affiliate marketing network, offering a wide range of affiliate programs from a variety of businesses. The network provides tracking and reporting tools to help affiliates monitor their performance. It offers a user-friendly interface for finding and promoting products.


ShareASale is a popular affiliate marketing network, offering a range of programs from various businesses in a variety of niches. The network provides tracking and reporting tools, as well as a user-friendly interface for finding and promoting products.


ClickBank is a popular affiliate marketing platform, offering a range of products in a variety of niches. The platform provides tracking and reporting tools, as well as a user-friendly interface for finding and promoting products.

Rakuten Marketing

Rakuten Marketing is a leading affiliate marketing network. It offers a range of programs from various businesses in a variety of niches. The network provides tracking and reporting tools, as well as a user-friendly interface for finding and promoting products.

When choosing an affiliate marketing marketplace, it is important to consider the types of products or services offered, the commission rates, and the level of support provided by the network.

Bloggers should also consider the audience they are trying to reach. Choose an affiliate marketing marketplace that offers programs that are relevant to their niche.

In order to be successful in affiliate marketing, bloggers must have a clear understanding of their audience. They must be able to build trust with their readers. They must also be able to effectively promote products, and must be able to measure the success of their efforts.

By choosing the right affiliate marketing marketplace, and by following best practices for affiliate marketing, bloggers can earn significant income from their blog through affiliate marketing.

Sponsored Posts

Sponsored Posts is another income stream for bloggers. A sponsored post is a blog post that a company pays you to write and publish on your blog. This is new of a popular way to make money from blogging.

In a sponsored post, you promote a product or service, share your personal experience with it and encourage your readers to try it. The payment for a sponsored post can vary greatly depending on the size of your blog and the type of product or service being promoted.

There are several websites that offer opportunities for bloggers to participate in sponsored content campaigns. Here are some of the popular ones:

This platform connects bloggers and influencers with brands looking for content creators.


TapInfluence is a marketplace where bloggers can find sponsored content opportunities from top brands.


AspireIQ is an influencer marketing platform that helps bloggers find sponsored content opportunities in their niche.

Activate by Bloglovin

Activate by Bloglovin is a platform that connects bloggers with brands looking for content creators.


LINQIA is an influencer marketing platform that helps bloggers find sponsored content opportunities in their niche.


IZEA is a marketplace that connects bloggers with brands looking for sponsored content.

Sway Group: Sway Group is a platform that helps bloggers find sponsored content opportunities from top brands.

CLEVER: CLEVER is a platform that connects bloggers with brands looking for content creators.

BlogHer: BlogHer is a platform that connects bloggers with brands looking for content creators.

Cooperatize: Cooperatize is a platform that connects bloggers with brands looking for content creators.

Some bloggers choose to be transparent about their sponsored posts. Also they wants to disclose the sponsorship to their readers in the post itself, while others may prefer to keep the sponsorship less noticeable.

Whatever your preference, it’s important to abide by advertising and disclosure regulations. It’s also important to be upfront with your readers about the nature of your post.

To start earning money through sponsored posts, you’ll need to build a strong blog with an engaged audience. Brands and companies will approach you if they see that your blog has a large and loyal following.

You can also reach out to companies yourself and pitch your blog as a platform for them.

Note: It’s important for bloggers to only participate in sponsored content campaigns that align with their values and beliefs. Also you have to always disclose sponsored content in accordance with FTC guidelines.

Sponsored posts

Sponsored posts are blog posts that are written on behalf of a company or brand, typically in exchange for payment. The content of the post may promote a product or service, or simply raise awareness of a brand.

Sponsored posts can be a great way to make money from blogging and for companies to reach a wider audience through the blog’s readership.

How do Sponsored Posts Work?

Sponsored posts typically work in one of two ways. The first is through direct sponsorship, where a company contacts a blogger directly to request a post.

The second is through a sponsored content platform, where bloggers sign up to receive offers from companies looking for sponsored content. In either case, the company provides the blogger with the content and payment, and the blogger publishes the post on their blog.

Tips for Effective Sponsored Posts

Be Transparent

It’s important to be transparent when writing sponsored posts, as readers expect honesty and authenticity from bloggers. This means clearly disclosing that the post is sponsored, either through a disclaimer or an “advertising” tag.

Maintain Your Voice

While the post may be sponsored, it’s important to maintain your own voice and perspective. Readers want to hear from you, not a brand, so make sure the post reflects your personal style and tone.

Make it Relevant

To make a sponsored post effective, it needs to be relevant to your audience. This means choosing products or services that are a good fit for your blog and its readers.

Include High-Quality Content

Sponsored posts should include high-quality content, just like any other post on your blog. This means providing valuable information and insights, as well as well-written, engaging content that your readers will find interesting.

Promote the Post

Once the sponsored post is live, it’s important to promote it just like you would any other post. This can be done through social media, email newsletters, and other channels.

Benefits of Sponsored Posts


One of the main benefits of sponsored posts is monetization. By writing sponsored posts, bloggers can earn money for their work, allowing them to turn their blog into a sustainable source of income.

Increased Exposure

Sponsored posts can also provide increased exposure for both the blogger and the company. Bloggers can reach a wider audience through the company’s promotion of the post, and companies can reach a new audience through the blog’s readership.

Building Relationships

Working with companies on sponsored posts can also help build relationships with brands and businesses. This can lead to opportunities for future collaborations and more sponsored posts.

Sponsored posts can be a great way for bloggers to monetize their content and earn money for their work. By being transparent, bloggers can effectively use sponsored posts to build their brand and reach a wider audience.


E-commerce, or online commerce, has become a popular way for bloggers to make money from blogging and earn a steady income.

Before starting an e-commerce business, bloggers need to consider their target audience and the products or services they can offer. The products or services offered should align with the interests and needs of the target audience, and the pricing should be competitive and fair. The choice of platform for selling products or services is also crucial.

There are several e-commerce platforms available for bloggers to sell their products or services online. Some of the best e-commerce platforms to make money from blogging include:


Shopify is one of the most popular e commerce platforms for bloggers. It offers a user friendly page and a wide range of features, including customizable templates, product management, and payment processing.


WooCommerce is a free plugin for the WordPress platform, making it an excellent choice for bloggers who already have a WordPress website. It offers a wide range of features and integration with other popular e-commerce tools.


BigCommerce is another popular e-commerce platform that offers a wide range of features and integrations with popular payment gateways and shipping providers.


Magento is a powerful e-commerce platform that offers a wide range of features, including custom themes, product management, and integration with popular payment gateways and shipping providers.


Volusion is a user-friendly e-commerce platform that offers a wide range of features, including customizable templates, product management, and payment processing.

When choosing the best e-commerce platform for your blog, consider your specific needs and the features you require. You may also want to consider factors such as the ease of use, the cost, and the level of support offered by the platform.

Ultimately, the best platform for your blog will depend on your individual needs and goals for your e-commerce store.

Selling Online Courses

Blogging has come a long way from being just a hobby or personal diary to a full-fledged online business. With the rise of the internet, bloggers have been presented with numerous opportunities to monetize their blogs and to make money from blogging.

One such avenue is selling online courses, which is an excellent way for bloggers to showcase their expertise, build their brand, and earn money.

Here are 5 ways in which selling online courses can benefit bloggers:

Monetizing Your Blog’s Content

If you’re blogging about a particular niche or topic, you can monetize your content by turning it into an online course. This way, you can make money from the content that you’ve already created.

Building Your Brand

By creating and selling online courses, you can establish yourself as an authority in your niche and build your brand. This not only increases your credibility but also attracts more visitors to your blog, which in turn leads to more opportunities to monetize your blog.

Reaching a Larger Audience

Online courses offer a way to reach a larger audience and make your content visible to people from all over the world. This provides you with an opportunity to expand your blog’s reach and monetize it to a wider audience.

Earning Passive Income

One of the best things about selling online courses is that it provides you with a source of passive income. Once the course is created, you can sell it multiple times, and the income will keep coming in, even when you’re not regularly working on your blog.

Providing Valuable Content

Online courses offer a way to provide valuable and in depth information on a particular topic, which is something that a blog post might not be able to do. This is an excellent opportunity for bloggers to offer something of value to their audience and help them improve their skills or knowledge.

Platforms to Sell Online Courses

There are several platforms that allow bloggers to sell online courses and to Make Money From Blogging. Some of the most popular platforms include:


Teachable is a powerful platform for creating and selling online courses. It offers a range of features for building and customizing your course, as well as robust analytics to help you track your performance.


Thinkific is a user friendly platform for creating, and selling online courses. It offers a range of features for customizing your course, as well as tools for marketing and promoting your course.


Kajabi is an all-in-one platform for creating, marketing, and selling online courses, digital products, and memberships. It offers a range of features for customizing your course, as well as tools for marketing and promoting your course.


Udemy is a well-known online learning platform that allows you to create and sell online courses. It has a large audience of students and a wide range of features for customizing your course.


Skillshare is an online learning community that allows you to create and sell online courses. It has a large audience of students and offers a range of features for customizing your course, as well as tools for marketing and promoting your course.


Podia is an all-in-one platform for selling online courses, digital downloads, and memberships. It offers a range of features for customizing your course, as well as tools for marketing and promoting your course.


Ruzuku is a platform for creating and selling online courses. It offers a range of features for customizing your course, as well as tools for marketing and promoting your course.

These platforms offer a range of features for bloggers to create and sell online courses, and many of them offer free trials or low-cost plans to get started.

In conclusion, selling online courses is a fantastic way for bloggers to monetize their blog and earn a significant income. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced blogger, selling online courses can be a profitable approach that can help you achieve your financial goals.

All you need is to choose a platform that suits your needs, create quality content, and market your courses effectively to reach your target audience.

Selling Services

One of the most popular ways to make money from blogging is by offering services to their audience. Whether you are an expert in a particular field, a creative artist, or have a unique set of skills, you can monetize your blog by offering your services to your audience.

Identifying Your Service Niche

The first step in offering services on your blog is to identify what you have to offer. This can be anything from writing and editing services to coaching and consulting, to creative design and web development.

To be successful in offering services on your blog, you need to find a niche that aligns with your interests, skills, and experience. This will not only make the process more enjoyable but also ensure that you provide high-quality services to your clients.

Building Your Service Offerings

Once you have identified your service niche, you need to build your service offerings. This involves developing a clear understanding of what your services entail and how you plan to deliver them.

You also need to determine your pricing structure. It includes how much you will charge for each service and what payment methods you will accept.

This is an important step in creating a solid foundation for your service business. As it sets the stage for the success of your efforts.

Promoting Your Services

Promoting your services on your blog is key to building a successful service business. You can start by highlighting your services on your blog homepage. In your about page, as well as creating separate pages for each of your services.

It is also essential to share your services with your followers through your social media channels and email list. As well as through guest posting and guest appearances on other blogs. You can also run advertising campaigns to reach a wider audience and drive traffic to your blog.

Delivering Your Services

Delivering high-quality services to your clients is critical to the success of your service business. You need to ensure that your services meet the needs and expectations of your clients. Communicate with them regularly to maintain a strong and trustworthy relationship.

You should also have a clear and streamlined process for delivering your services. It should includes a system for invoicing and collecting payment. As well as a method for managing client feedback and addressing any issues that may arise.

Evaluating Your Service Business

Evaluating your service business is important in ensuring its success. You need to regularly assess your performance. Identify areas for improvement. Make changes to your offerings and delivery processes as needed.

You should monitor your financials. Ensure that your service business is profitable and sustainable. By taking a strategic and proactive approach to your service business, you can build a successful career as a blogger.


Blogging can be an incredibly rewarding experience, personally and financially. By using a combination of the strategies outlined in this guide, you can turn your blog into a profitable business. It allows you to work from anywhere in the world.

It’s important to remember that building a successful blog takes time, patience, and dedication.

One key to success is finding the right monetization methods for your blog. Not all bloggers will find success with the same methods. So it’s important to experiment, find the ones that work best for you and your audience.

Some bloggers find that display advertising, affiliate marketing, and sponsored content are the most effective ways to make money from blogging. While others prefer to focus on e-commerce, selling online courses, or offering services.

Regardless of which monetization methods you choose, it’s essential to create high-quality content that your readers will love. This will help you build an engaged audience and to make money from blogging.

Additionally, you should focus on building a strong brand that represents your blog’s unique personality and values. This will help you stand out in a crowded marketplace and increase your earning potential.

Finally, it’s important to keep in mind that blogging is a long-term commitment. It may be tempting to try to earn quick money through shortcuts and unethical practices. These methods are unlikely to result in sustainable success.

Instead, focus on building a strong foundation for your blog that is based on quality content, engaging with your readers, and building meaningful relationships with your audience. With time, persistence, and hard work, you can turn your blog into a successful and profitable business.



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